For a few weeks now, Rainbow Evan has had really dry skin on her forehead. I am talking her entire forehead, down to her eyebrows. I didn't think much of it, because it didn't go up into her hairline. Then the other day, I had her in the Moby wrap while I went for a walk with my mom and I smelled her head- after all it is right there, and what smells better than a baby's head? Well I'll tell you- ANYTHING! Oh my god, my baby's head smelled like a foot! Immediately I assumed I'm the scent had just been transferred to her head from Jesse the night before- he sits on the floor and props her head on his feet with her looking up at him. So I figured his feet left the scent. No big deal, it was bath night. Fast forward a few hours to me sitting in the Kroger parking lot nursing Evan in the front seat of my car before I finish my grocery shopping, and I noticed yellow crusty skin on her forehead and the top of her head, into her hairline. So I smelled it again. Good god, that's where the smell was coming from. I started googling what I could do to get rid of it and prevent it. I figured there was some type of shampoo I could pick up, and I was getting ready to go into the store. The internet said to loosen the scales (perfect because I loooooove picking and popping anything on the skin), and then to put some olive oil on the site.
When I was in the store, I went to the baby aisle, expecting to find a bottle of "cradle cap treatment," but obviously that didn't happen. I did find some natural brand of baby oil, but that was $10 for a small bottle, and since you don't know me, I'll just tell you- I'm cheap. However, I am also pretty good at figuring things out on my own, and creating my own "potions," as Princess Charlie says. So I looked at the list of ingredients, and figured I could create my own skin nourishing oil at home to get rid of this damn cradle cap.
After I got home, I raided my bathroom closet and brought out two armfuls of stuff to create a baby oil to fight this gross smelly crust. I also grabbed my Essential Oil book and did a little research to find some complementary essential oils to use. I will need to write down the amounts of what I use, I am horrible about that- I just start creating and assume I will remember ratios the next time. Here is the list of what I used:
- Calendula Oil (I am beyond obsessed with this- I add it into any homemade product I make)
- Vitamin E Oil
- Rose hip Seed Oil
- Vegetable glycerine
- Jojoba Oil
- Olive oil
- Lavender essential oil
- Roman chamomile essential oil
- Frankencense essential oil
- Myrrh essential oil
During Evans bath, I used a soft brush to scrub the area lightly with her regular shampoo. Afterward I applied a small amount of my cradle cap potion to the area. For one thing- it smelled a whole hell of a lot better! I assumed, from what I had read, that it would take a few days and applications to get rid of the cradle cap.
The next morning the difference I noticed was incredible. Of course there were still a few spots I noticed the scales, but it didn't stink and it was nothing like it had been. Last night I cleansed just the cradle cap area (I generally do her bath 1-2 times a week, to prevent dry skin/eczema) and applied the Oil again. This morning it is almost all gone. I am going to continue this for a few more days to make sure I get rid of it, but I think I created an amazing potion! And the great thing is it can be used as a general body oil and it smells incredible too.
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